Author Christopher Fleischman: This page was last updated on 2-22-2025. Updated page "Warning probably by 2028" and page "Seven years of conversion"
Dedicated to The Lord God Almighty and to His Blessed Mother the Virgin Mary
Here is mediation music:
This page explains the Apocalypse of St. John the Apostle. It includes messages from Theresa Fleischman a prophet of God and other prophets such as John Leary, to reveal the near future. These messages are not just for Catholics but for all people.
Christopher and Theresa Fleischman met John and Carol Leary for the first time on May 5, 2014. Here is a summary of the events that will be happening soon based on Theresa Fleischman (TF), John Leary (JL) , Father Don Stefano Gobbi (SG) messages and Ken Peters Dream (KP)
A complete sequence of events is given in the Summary section at the bottom of this page.
Be patient because these events will be starting this year
Thursday, September 5, 2024: Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel St. Peter had tried all night to catch some fish, but he caught nothing. I came to use his boat to give a sermon to the people on the shore. Then I told St. Peter to put out into deep water for a catch, even though St. Peter did not think this was possible. But with Me, all things are possible. St. Peter followed My directions and they caught many fish, and they filled two boats until they were almost sinking. In life you meet many problems that seem impossible to solve. When I give you My directions, you need to do like St. Peter and follow Me. My son, I have asked people to store three months of food because you may see another time when your store shelves will be empty. I asked you to set up refuges for the coming tribulation, and I gave you directions to follow which you have done with your water well, your solar equipment, and your new shed. Now I directed you to have another refuge practice run which you are doing today for the seventh time. You are doing this to be ready for the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. This will be a battle of good vs. evil. Be patient because these events will be starting this year.” (JL)
January 7, 2021: Jesus said: “My people, your President will present these treasonous acts to your people, and he will be vindicated in proving the cheating. The evil left know if the President changes the vote, that many of the left will go to jail for treason. If the courts do not change the votes, then expect chaos with a partial martial law. At some point the evil ones may try to make an all out attempt to kill him and impeach him. Pray for your country and for your President’s protection. Once you see a danger of war, I will bring My Warning, and you will be protected at My refuges.” (JL)
You will see a miracle of changing a blue Biden into a red Trump, but this could trigger a war that your military is preparing for.
December 9, 2020: Jesus said: “My people, you are concerned about all of the judges not accepting all of the testimonies of fraud in your election. These judges are paid off by China and the Democrat financial backers to not give in to Trump’s lawyers. You recently saw in your news how the Dominion machines were finally tested with ballots. When people put in an equal amount of ballots for Trump and Biden, the counter showed a 26% lead for Biden. The programmed counter is the reason you are getting partial ballot numbers. Even with this advantage, the cheating Democrats had to bring in thousands of Biden only mail-in ballots to make Biden the winner. That means Trump was an overwhelming victor that took more cheating to win. The evil Democrats were using fixed Dominion machines and fake mail-in ballots to win. You will see a miracle of changing a blue Biden into a red Trump, but this could trigger a war that your military is preparing for. Trust in Me that I will call you to My refuges of protection.” (JL)
December 7, 2020 Jesus said: “My people, you will see a miracle when the Supreme Court will rule that this 2020 Presidential election was fraudulent, because of the illegal mail-in ballots. This will require another vote in the state legislatures. This will cause a big revolt among the Democrats, and you could even see a civil war. Before any shooting, I will call down My Warning and a time of Conversion in this chaotic time. After the Conversion time, I will call My people to My refuges as you will see a civil war and more plagues. The evil ones and the Antichrist will reign for a short time. Then I will cast all the evil ones into hell, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. My angels will protect those faithful who come to My refuges on time. Some people, who do not leave their homes in time, could be martyred.” (JL)
Second reprieve
November 6, 2024: Jesus said: “My people, some of you are questioning the delay in determining who won the remaining U.S. House and Senate seats in your latest election. Some of these seats required counting absentee ballots, and some Western states take longer for final results. If this delay continues into days, it becomes more suspicious why it is taking so long. Trump’s victory and taking the Senate is giving you a second reprieve from the Democrats’ mismanagement. Pray that he can take office to carry out his plans to fix your country. Be thankful that Trump has been vindicated in his win which My angels have helped you.” (JL)
Trump has been vindicated
November 14, 2024: Jesus said: “My people, I heard your prayers to put Trump in as your President. My angels kept this a fair election and Trump won with an impressive victory. He has been vindicated and he is already putting out his Cabinet choices. Pray that your Senate can go forward to confirm his new Cabinet. I am sending My angels to protect Trump from any assassination. Your country needs a shakeup in all of its wasteful spending in the Congress. Pray that Trump will be successful in fixing your borders and your budgets.” (JL)
Trust in Me that you will see another chance for Trump to change the evil things that the Democrats brought on your people.”
Thursday, November 21, 2024: (Presentation of Blessed Virgin Mary)
Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of how the Democrats do not want to give up their power over the people. There may be some attempts to stop Trump from taking office as President. I will have My angels protect Trump, and you can pray for his safety from any assassination attempts. Pray also that Trump’s chosen candidates for his Cabinet can get confirmed in the Senate. The one world people will try to continue the constant harassment against Trump. Trust in Me that you will see another chance for Trump to change the evil things that the Democrats brought on your people.” (JL)
Electricity will be turned off for an extended time.
Monday, November 18, 2024 Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you another message how the evil ones at one point will find a way to turn off your electricity for an extended time. At that time the evil ones will be seeking to kill My believers because they hate Me and My followers. Before they can harm My followers, I will send My Warning and Conversion time to try and save as many souls as possible. Then I will call My believers to come to hiding at My refuges where My angels will defend you from the Antichrist and the evil ones. My angels and I will provide for your needs throughout the tribulation as I will multiply your food, water, and fuels. The reign of the evil ones will be shortened for the sake of My Elect. Be patient until I will bring My victory, and then I will cleanse the evil ones from the earth into hell. I will renew the earth and bring you into My Era of Peace.” (JL)
Tuesday, October 22, 2024: (St. Pope John Paul II)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I spoke about how My servants should be ready when I come, and this could be in reference to the Warning experience. You have been waiting patiently for the Warning because it will lead into the six weeks of Conversion with no evil influence. Then you will be called to My refuges which you will be told about in your Warning experience. The refuges will protect you throughout the tribulation of the Antichrist. Today’s feast is for St. John Paul II and he reminds you of how he gave you the Catechism of the Catholic Church which gives you all the teachings of My Church. It will guide you through any results coming out of the ending Synod.” (JL)
Be ready to come to My refuges when your electricity is shut down by various means for a long time.
Sunday November 17, 2024 Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this old West town that did not have electricity, and they used water wells for their source of water. There are many different ways that your enemies could stop your electricity from coming to your house. Your country is so used to using electricity for your conveniences and your communications that your people would be like North Carolina when there was no electricity nor working cell phones. With the potential of wars and the elite desiring a takeover, it is very possible your electricity could be shut down for a long time. Most all of My refuges have some means of lights at night with alternative fuels and water sources to survive. I told you when your electricity is shut down for a long time, that this would be a sign of a takeover by the evil people. When your lives are in such danger, I will bring My Warning and Conversion time. Then I will call My believers to My refuges where My angels and I will protect you and multiply your needs. Be ready to come to My refuges when your electricity is shut down by various means for a long time. You will be like living life in the old West.” (JL)
The one world people will find a way to turn off your electricity when they begin their takeover attempt on America.
Friday, February 10, 2017: (St. Scholastica) Jesus said: “My people, your enemies know how vulnerable your electric grid is. Your people have not taken enough care in protecting your grid from terrorist attacks. Unless you have enough generators to backup your electricity, you would have difficulty with your internet, your banking, and your heaters with electrical components. There are several ways to shut down your electricity. You could use an EMP attack from a bomb or a local high powered EMP machine. You could create a short circuit surge that would trip your breakers. You could physically destroy crucial substations. Hackers could attack any sensitive code that controls your substations. You could find a way to turn off the grid switches themselves. The one world people will find a way to turn off your electricity when they begin their takeover attempt on America. Your country should work harder on the means of protecting your electric grid from attack. Even Faraday cages could be used to defend against EMP attacks, if they were placed around your vulnerable power stations. You could also use older vacuum tube run devices that are not affected by EMP. Without defending your electrical grid, you will remain vulnerable to an attack on your power grid. Pray for your country’s protection with My angels.” (JL)
Cover windows with black plastic
Friday, November 15, 2024: (St. Albert the Great)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you were given examples of how I separated the good people from the evil people before I brought destruction down on the evil ones. In the case of Noah I had him build a huge ark to fit his family and all of the animals. The people mocked him, but once the flood came, the evil ones were drowned. In the case of Lot in Sodom, I sent My angels to bring Lot and his family out of Sodom. Once they were out, I brought fire and brimstone down on the evil ones so they were all killed. I warned Lot and his family not to look at this destruction, but when Lot’s wife looked at it, she was turned into a pillar of salt. Now when you will be seeing the coming tribulation, I will have My believers come to My refuges where My angels will shield you from the evil ones. After the Warning and My believers are separated from the evil ones at My refuges, I will bring the punishment down on the evil ones. At the end of the tribulation you will see My Comet of Chastisement in the three days of darkness. This is when you will cover your windows with black plastic so you do not look at My destruction of the evil ones. I will cleanse the earth of all evil, and I will bring My believers into My Era of Peace and later into heaven.” (JL)
St. Michael the Archangel:
October 15, 2009, Jesus said: “My people, you need to be on guard to protect yourselves from demons and occult people who are trying to attack you. Wear your scapulars, rosaries, Benedictine crosses, holy water, and blessed salt as your weapons against the evil ones. When you feel a coldness and a lack of love coming from someone, there is a chance that you are dealing with a possessed or obsessed person of evil. If you do not have an exorcism priest, then pray with a group in saying your St. Michael prayers and binding of evil spirits prayers. Pray your guardian angel prayer and invoke My Name, ‘Jesus’, over any persons of evil. By being prepared to fight these evil ones, you will not have any fear of them.” (JL)
Sunday, January 28, 2018: Jesus said: “My people, you know I am more powerful than the created demons, so at My Word, the demon left the man. I also gave this power over demons to My apostles. Even My priest sons can exorcize demons out of people in My Name. People of today do have demons, and some are present and connected to addictions. Each diocese should have an assigned exorcist to deal with such demon possessions. There are also groups of people who do deliverance of demons as well. It is better to have an exorcist priest, but you can also have groups pray deliverance prayers over someone. You have the long form of the St. Michael prayer, and the binding of the spirits prayer: ‘We bind any evil spirits to the foot of the cross of Jesus in Jesus’ Name, and never to return.’ You are aware of fasting and praying to rid evil spirits. Be also aware if people leave themselves open to sinful living, then some demons can return. So a person has to get close to Me, and change his or her ways, if that person wants to be healed. I am more powerful, but you have to call on My Name to remove any evil spirits. Pray your long form of the St. Michael prayer for your family members as often as you can.” (JL)
Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Most glorious Prince of the Heavenly Armies, Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in “our battle against principalities and powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places’. (Eph. 6:12) Come to the assistance of men whom God had created to His likeness and whom He has redeemed at a great price from the tyranny of the devil. The Holy Church venerates you as her guardian and protector; to you, the Lord has entrusted the souls of the redeemed to be led into heaven. Pray therefore the God of Peace to crush Satan beneath our feet, that he may no longer retain men captive and do injury to the Church. Offer our prayers to the Most High, that without delay they may draw His mercy down upon us; take hold of “the dragon, the old serpent, which is the devil and Satan,” bind him and cast him into the bottomless pit “that he may no longer seduce the nations”. (Rev. 20:2-3)
If they cannot kill Trump, the one world people will find a way to cancel your elections.
July 15, 2024, Jesus said: “My people, the Antichrist and the evil people are running out of time, and if Trump is elected, he would slow down their plans. When Trump was elected the first time in 2016, he was given to you as a temporary reprieve from the evil ones’ plans. Since this would delay the Antichrist’s time, there will be a big push to stop Trump at any cost. If they cannot kill Trump, the one world people will find a way to cancel your elections. There will be some violent events, and I will call My believers to the safety of My refuges. Those people, who do not come to My refuges, will be martyred.” (JL)
Saturday, October 24, 2015: (St. Anthony Mary Claret)
The Holy Spirit said: “I am the Spirit of God, and you are hearing about how St. Paul talks about the spirit of man, and being united with the Spirit of Christ. Many believers do not understand about how man is made up of spirit, soul, and body. The spirit refers to being conscious of God, and it contains your intuition, conscience, and a communion with God. The soul refers to being conscious of self, and it contains the mind, emotions, and your free will. The body refers to being conscious of the world through your senses. I am coming to share your link to God through Me, as you are Temples of the Holy Spirit. I keep you focused on your desire to be with God’s Presence, and especially to desire being in heaven for all eternity. In the spirit of man you find your higher longing for God, especially at Mass, receiving Holy Communion, and in front of the Blessed Sacrament at Adoration. Your heart is overwhelmed with the love of God when you pray, as this is your communication with God. Trust in the Three Persons of God as We lift you to a higher level of loving Us in your spirit.” (JL)
Stay Home after October 1, 2023.
August 31, 2023, Jesus said: “My son, you have been faithful to spread My Word in traveling to your talks all over for 28 years, and I thank you for your evangelizing. Now I have been warning you to stay home after October 1st because the evil ones will soon threaten your lives with their viruses, wars, and the mark of the beast. Get all of your supplies ready and be ready to welcome My people when I call them to My refuges. I have warned people to try and limit their travel during October. Evil events will be starting slowly, and you may be called to My refuges soon.” (JL)
August 24, 2023: Jesus said: “My son, I have asked you to stop planning any more talks after October 1st. You have seen other people receive messages about October that has confirmed My warning. You could see some serious events begin slowly and your media may not report all of the evil that is going on. But be prepared to come to My refuges when I will give you an inner locution. When you are warned, you need to grab what you can and leave your house within twenty minutes. This is so the evil ones cannot force the mark of the beast on you. At My refuges you will be healed of any illness when you look upon My luminous cross in the sky.” (JL)
St. John Neumann private messages to Theresa in her diary on Tuesday May 10, 1988: "I received a message from the Blessed Virgin through the Heavenly Father this morning, that publication should be given in the Lubbock AJ for encouraging more attendance at the Rosary for Monday nights; not only calling our own Parish, but prayers and devotions from all parishes of every denomination and every faith. All of God's children are equal and there is no partiality or favoritism. We are all of the family of God, the Almighty." Theresa Fleischman message, St. John Neumann, 1988.
Theresa Fleischman's Vision:
In 1988, Theresa Fleischman saw in a vision years looking like white clouds passing by her starting with the year 1988. When the year 2000 went by she saw large doors closing (The end of the Jubilee year). She then saw the year 2012 crash into her face. Theresa then saw the influx of following years, but they were gray in color and moving down. Unfortunately, the reception of this vision was interfered with due to Msgr. Joe James impatience and a shortness of temperament. The years started to fade away and she is not sure if they ended in 2018, 2019, 2020 or even slightly beyond. (Theresa Fleischman)
We now understand why Theresa saw the year 2012 crash into her face.
Note: On November 6, 2012, Maine, Maryland, and Washington became the first states to legalize same-sex marriage by popular vote.
Thursday, November 8, 2012: Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a large wave coming against America is a sign that now your country has elected its fate, and it is the status quo without any repentance. Be prepared for more destruction and droughts because your people are depending on themselves, instead of on Me. The more you turn your backs on Me with voting for same sex marriage and legalized marijuana in some states, the more judgment you are calling down on your country. Your politicians are talking about a new cliff of increased taxes and cuts in your budget, but you are also falling off of a spiritual cliff as well. My faithful remnant is growing smaller as your older faithful are dying off, and they are not being replaced with younger people. This is why heaven rejoices over penitent sinners because there are fewer of them as time goes on.” (JL)
St. John Neumann Message:
Mary, Queen of Mercy, is credited with saying she "will touch the waters of this Fountain that will be overflowing with love, with compassion and with forgiveness ..." It was around this Fountain that the physically impaired participants in the 1988 Assumption Mass gathered. Many claims of spiritual phenomena are associated with the Fountain and its waters, including visions and healings during and since the 1988 feast.(Theresa Fleischman)
Urgent message from God the Father about a world Famine:
"I shall send forth the pestilences of my jealous wrath. It shall burn till it shall be appeased. There shall be drought. There shall be famine. There shall be war." (Theresa Fleischman, July 11, 1988)
"Afflictions I shall give unto thee. Afflictions of drought and flood. The earth shall tremble and shake your towers you have adorned. Famine shall befall thee; disease for which there shall be no cure! Woe unto thee. Woe, for thou art truly a cursing!" (Theresa Fleischman, June 27, 1988)
"The innocents' blood shall be avenged by My Right Arm. It shall striketh thee. Fear, for death is your fate. Adorn not thy sinful bodies, for their delicacies - for which thou hast craved – will be taken from them. Your flesh shall dry on your bones and thou shall perish from all thy just punishments!" (Theresa Fleischman. June 27, 1988)
Tell everyone to store enough water, food and fuel for three months. Food will become VERY difficult to find and only a few things will you be able to buy. When the famine comes, do not hoard your food but instead share it with those in need; God will multiply your food. Those who do not heed Jesus' words will suffer the ravages of starvation.
Theresa Fleischman secret message given on Monday, June 13th, 1988 “The winter will be bitter cold. The winter to cometh will be bitter and cold. The spring to follow make ready. Make your crops abundant, plant the wheat, plant the crops, plant the fruits and vegetables, plant all that is to be planted for they shall be planted no more.” (Theresa Fleischman June 13, 1988)
"Jesus said, My people, this vision of water overflowing this stone path is a sign to you that major events are going to continue to overwhelm you. This year will bring many deaths from wars, terrorism, and natural disasters. Your world is on the brink of a major war and these instabilities could throw all of your markets into turmoil. Prayer for peace and less killing can limit these effects, but it is the one world people who desire more fear and anxiety so they can control your freedoms with threats to your security. Wars and terrorism will be focused to bring about the implementation of a national ID that would require smart cards and eventually chips in the hand. No matter what the reason, refuse to use these ID cards and refuse chips in the hand, even if you are threatened with jail or being killed. When such ID chips are forced in the hand, then you will be going to your refuges for My help. Refuse food, jobs and other promises of the evil ones to take chips in the hand. Better to trust in Me and My help." (JL January 1, 2003)
Jesus will multiply your food at the refuge.
June 29, 2020: Jesus said: “My people, I know you have stored some dehydrated food, some meals ready to eat (MREs), and some canned foods. You may think you have a lot of food, but even forty people could consume most of your food in one year. You will need to be ready for three years or more, but I will shorten the time for the sake of My elect. As I multiplied the fish and the bread for the 4,000 and the 5,000, I can multiply your food as well. You need to have faith that I can do this for you whenever you need food. You will have deer drop dead in your camp to cut up for meat. As you empty one of your #10 cans of dehydrated food, I will refill it with the same food. You have water from your well that will need to be multiplied. I can also multiply the water in your blue barrels for all of your people. As you empty one barrel, I will refill it. You will use your propane Camp Chef to cook meals with the burners, and bake bread with the small oven. Your propane containers will also be refilled when they are empty. In the winter you will use your kerosene burners and your containers of kerosene will be refilled. You can use your wood to heat the house and for cooking in your fireplace. Your flush toilets will work for the latrine, but you may need to use your outhouse as well. You will use some water and soap to clean your dishes and your clothes. You have beds and cots for sleeping, and your tables for eating. All of your soaps and paper products will be multiplied, as well as any other personal needs. Most of all, you will have daily Holy Communion from a priest or My angels. You will have perpetual Adoration with people assigned hours around the clock. All of your living at My refuges will be trusting in Me for your physical and spiritual protection. Only My believers with a cross on their foreheads will be allowed into My refuges. Pray that I will shorten the time of the tribulation.” (JL)
Jesus is asking us to store three months of food
April 23, 2022: Jesus said: “My people, you remember how I warned people to have three months of food in their pantry for each family member. You are about to see an artificial famine caused by the one world people. Now, I am warning you again to have three months of food in your house no matter how much it costs or where you will store it. Those people, who do not store this amount of food, could go hungry with empty shelves in your stores and no place to order it on the internet. Many people, who are in the food storage business, are warning people there is little food available to store. Now, you are reading of about two dozen fires at many food processing plants in the last year or so in America. There appears to be a pattern to these fires and many nations only have three months supply of food for their people. I have mentioned before how the Ukraine may not be able to feed their customers because of the Russian invasion. Try to stock up your pantries gradually so you can finance your purchases more easily. The one world people are storing up food in their underground bunkers because they know this contrived famine will get worse. You will need to have a good supply of water to reconstitute any dried food. If you have faith in My power to multiply your food at your home, then I will do this for you when you need more food. If people begin to start fighting over the available food, then I will call My people to the safety of My refuges where I will multiply your food, water, and fuels.” (JL)
Take Hawthorn herbs and vitamins to build up your immune system.
February 22, 2003: "Jesus said, My people, you have been observing more people coming down with respiratory diseases than in previous years. Even some areas of the country are witnessing unusual deaths from such diseases. The combination of viruses spread by contrails and pulse radiation is an experiment of your scientists to cause death in various segments of your society. These are potential war weapons to subdue the opposition troops in war. If these viruses are abused, they could also be used to control minds and population growth. I continue to warn My people to take Hawthorn herbs and vitamins to build up your immune system to these diseases. You will be seeing more demonic abuse of disease to scare people into taking shots that will be worse than the disease. Chips taken internally are also going to be encouraged to protect you from terrorism and these chips will actually control your minds. Refuse these shots and chips in the hand even if they threaten you with death or prison. The evil ones will try and exploit technology as their means to control the population. Come to Me in prayer and I will protect your from disease and the agents of the Antichrist who are trying to kill you." (JL )
If a refuge does not have a source of fresh water, then the refuge builder needs to pray specifically for the angels to make a well to supply the water
December 11, 2019: Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you this river of fresh water, because it is an absolute necessity for My refuges to have a source of fresh water that My angels can multiply, if you have a lot of people. If a refuge does not have a source of fresh water, then the refuge builder needs to pray specifically for the angels to make a well to supply the water. You, My son, have a 5 gal/min well, but even this will need to be multiplied to give a stadium of people even a small amount of water. Without water you cannot survive, so have your refuge builders obtain a well if they have no other source of water. I told you My angels will supply all of your needs, and water is one of your needs. Give praise and thanks to Me for having My refuge builders supply a safe haven for My faithful.” (JL)
This coming meteor will be on the same scale, and it will shock people with the amount of damage it will cause.
December 20, 2020: Jesus said: “My people, you are going to see some unusual events that could shock people with the severity of the destruction. You have heard of a large meteor that fell in Russia and it wiped out many pine trees. This coming meteor will be on the same scale, and it will shock people with the amount of damage it will cause. Do some research on this event in Russia, because this is about to be repeated.” (JL)
Note: Tunguska explosion (June 30, 1908) knocked down 80 million trees over an area of 830 square miles. The shock wave from the blast would have measured 5.0 on the Richter magnitude scale. The fireball was 50 to 100 meters wide and it produced 185 times more energy than the Hiroshima atomic bomb. (JL)
Tsunami then bankruptcies will happen along Eastern coast
Friday, December 5, 2014: Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you two waves of destruction that will strike the Eastern coast of America. The first will be a large tsunami of water that will impact your Eastern coast. The second wave at a different time, will be a wave of bankruptcies all along the Eastern coast banks. Such a set of financial failures will collapse your financial system, and your economy will head into such a deep depression that martial law will result. This will be a time of chaos when My people will need to come to My refuges of safety. Be prepared for some dramatic changes in how you will live through the coming tribulation. You will see the Antichrist come into power after My Warning. Be assured that My angels will protect your souls. Some of My faithful will be martyred for their faith, but the rest of My faithful will be protected at My refuges.” (JL)
Planned tsunami to inundate New York City
Tuesday, September 2, 2014: “My people, there are two plans of the one world people that could destroy America’s financial system that would allow your takeover. The first is a massive earthquake created by the HAARP machine in the Atlantic Ocean. This would precipitate a large tsunami that would inundate New York City and all the banks along the cities on the Eastern Coast of America. Such a disaster would create a martial law to takeover the whole country. The second plan would be a tsunami of money created by all the trillions of dollars of derivatives going into default. Such a black hole in the dollar, would allow the electronic money of the one world people to replace the dollar, and put them into total financial control. Without the chip in the hand, people would not be able to buy or sell. Refuse to take any chip in the body, and come to My refuges when I warn you to come. The evil ones want full control of your bodies and your souls. Refuse to follow them, and call on Me and My angels to protect My faithful. Remember the outcome of this battle for power, because the evil ones will be defeated, and cast into hell. Trust in Me because I am more powerful than all the evil ones and their plans.” (JL)
March 14, 2015, Jesus said: “My people, I am just in My judgments, but I am merciful to sinners. The Israelites worshiped many foreign gods before Me, even after I brought them out of Egypt with a heavy hand. They were into unnatural sex and idolatry, much like the people of today. Because of their sins of disobedience, I allowed Israel’s enemies to defeat them, and carry them off to captivity for seventy years. America is walking down the same path as Israel did. With your abortions, fornications, adultery, and same sex marriage, you also are worshiping idols of money, fame, sex, and even occult beliefs, instead of worshiping Me. Because of America’s sins, you are calling down My justice that will bring a great punishment down upon your people. I am merciful to repentant sinners, but your sins as a nation, will put you also into exile. It is just a matter of time until I will allow your enemies in the one world people, to take you over. This will be the beginning of the tribulation of the Antichrist. Trust in My help to protect you through this time.” (JL)
The Mother of God explains Daniel's prophesy 12:11.
Daniel 12:11 "And from the time when the continual sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination unto desolation shall be set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred ninety days"
Here is a quote from Father Gobbi's book, "To the Priests Our Lady's Beloved Sons" that explains this. "
The Sacrifice of the Mass renews that which was accomplished by Jesus on Calvary. By accepting the Protestant doctrine, people will hold that the Mass is not a sacrifice but only a sacred meal, that is to say, a remembrance of that which Jesus did at his last supper. And thus, the celebration of Holy Mass will be suppressed. In this abolition of the daily sacrifice consists the horrible sacrilege accomplished by the Antichrist, which will last about three and a half years, namely, one thousand two hundred and ninety days."(SG December 31, 1992)
Darwin's theory of evolution is wrong and there is not Big Bang
Saturday, December 17, 2016: Jesus said: “My people, you believe that I created the earth and the rest of the universe according to the Book of Genesis. There are some people who believe in the big bang theory, but it does not explain where all the hydrogen came from to make up the stars. I am the First Cause of everything. In today’s Gospel reading you are seeing My genealogy from Abraham down to St. Joseph according to St. Matthew. In St. Luke’s Gospel you see all the generations from St. Joseph down to Adam, the first man, who I created. You have also seen Darwin’s theory of evolution, but there is no way that mutations can change the chromosome counts. If evolution was true, you would still be seeing changes in the animals. But there are no leaps in chromosome counts, because I created everything from the beginning. Scientists, who promote these theories, are mostly atheists who do not believe in My existence. I am still providing miracles for you every day in your births, where I create the life spirit in the soul of every baby at conception. There are so many things that man does not know about life, and when you cannot explain something in reality, you develop strange theories that have no proof. This is why you call the big bang and evolution theories because there is no proof. My believers understand that I am their Creator, and I am worthy of their thanks and their love for creating them. I love all of mankind and all of My creations, because you are My sons and daughters that I love enough to die for on My cross.” (JL)
Darwin’s theory of evolution is wrong
Sunday, January 31, 2016: Jesus said: “My people, today the priest was talking about how the Blessed Trinity created the universe, the earth, man and woman, and all the plants and animals as in Genesis. There are many atheists who do not believe the true creation account, and they even mock My believers for doing so. Those people, who do not believe in God, are the promoters of Darwin’s theory of the origin of species. It is true that there are mutations within each specie, and sometimes you artificially cross-breed some animals and plants. There is order in My universe, and among the plant and animal kingdoms. You do not have order come out of chaos or chance. All of the planets are in elliptical orbits around the sun, similar to how atoms have electrons orbiting the nucleus. There is intelligent design from God in everything. Darwin’s Theory is only a theory, meaning it is not actual fact, and cannot be proven. There is no proof that one set of chromosomes could go to a higher number in an animal or a plant. Evolution or mutations can only occur within one specie, but not between different species. Men and women are also made in My image with a soul and a free will. This spiritual part of man is far above Darwin’s explanations, because the body and this earth are passing away, but the soul lives on forever. So trust in My account of creation, and not the imperfect knowledge of man’s theories.” (JL)
Darwin’s theory of evolution is wrong
February 11, 2015, Jesus said: “My people, some of your scientists do not believe in My account of creation in the Book of Genesis. They have no understanding about creation out of nothing, so they provided a ‘big bang theory’ that does not have any explanation of where the elements of hydrogen came from to form the stars. Most of these same scientists are atheists, and they do not believe in a Supreme Being, as I am. With Me, all things are possible, just as you see the order of My creation that man is destroying. These people also believe in ‘Darwin’s theory of evolution’ which again does not explain all the different chromosomes of the animals and how they came to be. These man-made theories are without proof, even though these scientists teach them as facts. I am the One, who controls all life, and that is why you should not kill anyone, because I have a plan for everyone’s life. I keep reminding you that you are put on this earth to know, love, and serve Me. When you serve anyone else, it is not according to My plan for your life. So when you read My Word in the Scriptures, you need to defend My creation account as the real means by which you are all living. I positioned your planet at the right distance from the sun, so it is not too cold and not too hot. You have liquid water, sunlight, and oxygen in the air so you can survive. Belief in Me takes faith that the atheists are not willing to accept. Try to evangelize as many souls to the faith as you can, and you will have your reward in heaven.” (JL)
Big Bang Theory
September 3, 2014, Jesus said: “My people, it is true that many Christians are under attack by their college professors for believing in My existence. I am proud of those students who stand up for their belief in Me, even though they risk persecution for doing so. You have read how professors in college have been expelled for believing in Me, even when they minimize Me as an intelligent design. A good point was made about all of you being created with free will in My Divine Image. I do not force My love on you, but I showed My love for all of you by dying on the cross for your sins. You have free will to love Me or not. The contrast of My creation of everything in Genesis to the ‘Big Bang Theory’ was revealing of the failed logic of your scientists. Creation from nothing can only come from My power. Where did all the hydrogen come from to make the stars? Your scientists have no answers, and they only have hard to imagine theories. The Darwin Theory (not proven) of evolution is another manufactured science. There may be mutations within species, but there is no proof that a lower form’s chromosomes could be increased to a higher form of an animal or a plant. This also can only come from My power of creation. The experience of heaven has been documented by some people with near death experiences. Also, My messengers, as yourself, have been gifted to see heaven, and they are able to share their experiences with others. Believe that I exist, as does the devil, hell, and heaven. I have shown you the joy of the saints and angels in heaven. You are all called to be saints, so you can be with Me in heaven for all eternity.” (JL)
Monday, May 30, 2022: (Memorial Day), Jesus said: “My people, every morning you get up from bed, you are one step closer to being with Me in heaven. This life is difficult because you are constantly tempted by the devil, and you need to come to Confession at least once a month. You are dealing with sickness and death at funerals all around you. Some families do not even have proper funerals with a Mass. Instead there are only grave side services with many cremations to save money. Instead of honoring someone’s life, they try to save money without a proper closure for the family. Today, you are honoring all of the soldiers who died to protect your freedom from the likes of Hitler and other dictators. Yet you see more war from Putin as he makes war against the Ukraine. Russia is trying to keep the Ukraine from growing and exporting grain to other countries with a blockade of the Black Sea. The evil one world people are trying to reduce the population with wars, viruses, vaccines, and famine. Avoid taking any shots that will ruin your immune system. Avoid taking the mark of the beast as well. Be ready to come to My refuges when I will call you.” (JL)
July 27, 2017, Jesus said: “My people, in years past you thought it was expected to bury a person in a casket in the ground or in a mausoleum. In certain cases cremations were done because of the expense of moving a casket over a long distance to a grave. In other cases people are using cremations to save money on a funeral expense. The dead deserve a proper burial service without worrying about saving a few thousand dollars. If the family is poor and there is little money, then it is understood to have a cheaper funeral. Most families have enough money to afford a decent funeral, so there is little excuse not to have a Mass and a normal funeral. You may have to specify such a funeral in your will in order to have things done properly.” (JL)
They were told to stand down and not shoot until later.
Saturday, July 20, 2024: Jesus said: “My people, you need to pray for former President Trump that he will not be assassinated. The evil ones may still try to kill him. I protected him the first time when the officers did not shoot the man on the roof when they could. They were told to stand down and not shoot until later. Trump would be a much better President than Biden, but the evil one world people will do everything they can to either kill Trump or stop the election. Pray for America because your fall is not far away.” (JL)
It was My power that moved his head so he did not get killed.
Monday, July 15, 2024: (St. Bonaventure)
Jesus said: “My son, you are aware of how the one world people can control events, even to remove people standing in their way for power. You know that there have been several attempts to kill Trump, and even Biden was giving the go ahead when he spoke of putting a bull’s eye on Trump. These people tried to put him in jail and they will do anything to prevent Trump from being President again. If necessary, they will even try to cancel the election. It was My power that moved his head so he did not get killed. The evil in your government knows no bounds. Have no fear because all of these evil ones will be cast into hell when I bring My victory. My faithful will need to come to My refuges for your protection.”
N.B. In one news report the protecting snipers were told not to shoot the sniper for three minutes indicating a conspiracy of the one world people. (JL)