Jesus gave a message to John Leary that God the Father will choose the date of the Warning.
Monday, February 8, 2021: Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned other times that it is God the Father who chooses when to bring the Warning. So do not try to guess because you will be wrong." (JL)
Since Jesus and His Mother the Virgin Mary has given us many hints as to when the Warning will occur then obviously, they want us to have some idea as to when this will happen. So, we can give approximate years and months.
Warning experience will probably occur in September in any year but probably not later than 2028.
Saturday, March 28, 2020: Jesus said.." The pre-tribulation time will be from now until the Great Tribulation begins when the Antichrist will declare himself. You will see a trial of the virus causing quarantines. The worse trial will be during the football season from September to February of the following year. Be prepared to come to My refuges in the fall when many will be dying from this virus. " (JL)
We also know the second virus will occur in the fall and just before a presidential election so around the first week of November (next normal presidential election will be in 2028)
June 22, 2020: Jesus said: “My people, I told you how I would call My faithful to My refuges before the second virus attack. This next virus attack will be much deadlier than the first virus, because the evil ones will be spreading thick chemtrails containing the new virus. In the vision I could see the planes spreading the virus laden chemtrails. Within hours you could see many bodies dying from the virus. My angels will put a shield over those people in My refuges so they will not be infected. I will warn My people not to look outside at all the carnage of dead bodies. In the vision I am showing you how the evil ones will try to reduce the population with a deadly and highly contagious virus. This virus will be spread the worst in America. This virus will come in the fall and there will be so much death and confusion, that your election will be canceled. There will be chaos and food shortages all over because many people did not heed My warning of saving up some food. My believers will remain in My refuges throughout the whole tribulation of the Antichrist. My angels will provide for your needs, and you will adore My Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance in perpetual Adoration. I will be with you to protect you, so trust in Me always to multiply your food, water, and fuels. Pray for the sinners to be saved after the Warning.” (JL)
Friday, May 11, 2012: Jesus said: “My people, I am telling you that the one world people are planning purposely to crash the U.S. dollar before the election. This action is similar to how they brought about the crash of your financial system in 2008. In Europe the central bankers have been giving just enough money in loans to the teetering economies to keep them solvent for a time. At one point they will raise the interest rates so high that these countries will not be able to even pay the interest. At this point the bonds of these countries will fail, and their failed economies will eventually crash the euro as a currency. America and its banks are so tied to supporting Europe that the insolvency of the euro will put such a strain on the dollar that it too will crash. These events will be timed before your election so your President, if he so chooses, could postpone your election so he could invoke his new Executive Order. This would allow him to call an emergency martial law to control the chaos that would ensue from the dollar’s collapse. This would cause a bank holiday and a new currency or a chip in the body would be established as a new means of buying and selling. Be prepared, My people, with food to survive this crisis, and be prepared to leave for My refuges when people start stealing and killing for food. This kind of crisis is being deliberately caused by the one world people so they can take over America and make it a part of the North American Union. My refuges will be your places of protection where My angels will shield you from the evil ones. Have no fear, and trust in My power over the evil ones.” (JL)
We also know we will be warned to come to a refuge right before the second virus which is around the first week of November. We also know we will be called to a refuge about six weeks after the Warning, so the Warning will probably occur in September.
Wednesday, June 3, 2020: Jesus said: “My people, I have been warning you in many messages to be prepared because you will see a worse virus attack in the fall. I told you to stock up on canned goods, and that the deep state will spread this new virus using the chemtrails. This is why you are seeing a fine white dust all over the houses. You will be warned to come to My refuges right before this second virus wave will strike. Many people will die in the fall, but My faithful will be healed at My refuges. You will look upon the luminous cross and be healed of any virus. You will also be healed of any sickness or health problem. My angels will protect My faithful and they will multiply your food, water, and fuels. Once you come to My refuges, this will be the beginning of the tribulation of the Antichrist. Have no fear because My angels will shield you from any harm of the evil ones.” (JL)
Tuesday, May 28, 2024: Jesus said: “My people, I am warning people to compare what comes out of the Synod with the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Follow My words of Scripture and you do not have to believe any errors that you hear. Pray that My people will be led on the right path to heaven.” (JL)
Jesus will speed up the earth's rotation.
September 14, 2020, Jesus said: “My people, you will soon be entering the tribulation time, once the Antichrist declares himself. I told you that I will speed up the time by increasing the speed that the earth goes around on its axis. You also are seeing another hot year where your magnetic shield is decreasing, which allows more solar wind to come through the atmosphere. There is another effect from the sun where there are fewer sunspots, which could cool the earth. Not only is your temperature rising, but the plan of the anarchists are raising fires and destruction. Be prepared for a possible revolution, especially if your President wins your election. The next few months will be with riots and your lives could be in danger. You will be seeing the Warning and a time when My angels will lead you to My refuges. Trust in My protection and My multiplication of your food, water, and fuels.” (JL)
The earth's rotation will speed up about three times faster
October 27 2020: Jesus said: “My people, during the tribulation of the Antichrist I told you that I would speed up the time for the sake of My elect. I will speed up the earth on its axis to minimize the time of suffering of My people. In this vision of a huge pendulum clock, you could see it speeding up about three times faster than the usual speed. This will shorten the 3½ years of the tribulation. You will be protected at My refuges during this tribulation. At the end I will bring down My Comet of Chastisement on the earth that will kill all of the evil ones, and they will all be cast into hell. You will rejoice at My victory as I will remove all of the evil ones. Then I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace and later into heaven.” (JL)
I told you that I was going to speed up the earth so you would face a lot less time for the coming tribulation....Warning and the conversion time of six weeks.
September 16, 2021, Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you these wooden chairs because I want you to hold on to your seats because the events are going to move quickly around you. I told you that I was going to speed up the earth so you would face a lot less time for the coming tribulation. You will see time speeding up as I will speed up the earth’s rotation. At the appropriate time of God the Father, you will have the Warning and the conversion time of six weeks. You could come to Confession more frequently, so your soul is ready for your mini-judgment.” (JL)
The tribulation will last less than 3½ years, and it will be shortened for the sake of My elect.
August 18, 2022 Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing this spinning potter’s wheel with a black clay. The black clay is a sign of the evil of this age. The spinning motion is a sign of the coming Warning when everyone will see their life review and face their mini-judgment. Many people are asking when the Warning will come, but it will most likely come when your lives are in danger. I have told you how you will face the tribulation of the Antichrist at your refuges. The tribulation will last less than 3½ years, and it will be shortened for the sake of My elect. I have shown you how the earth will be speeded up on its axis in its rotation to shorten your 24 hour day. Now, you are seeing the scientists are measuring a decrease of 1.59 milliseconds for every 24 hours. This is just the beginning because I will speed up this rotation even faster during the tribulation. Trust in My protection by My angels for all of My faithful remnant.” (JL)
God can speed up the earth miraculously, or He can use the laws of Nature, which He created.
In order to increase the rotation of the earth naturally we have to use the conservation of angular momentum. I can think of two ways to increase the rotation of the earth by three times naturally.
The first way is when the comet comes close to the earth during the Warning, the gravitational attraction between the huge comet and the earth could drag the earth causing its rotation to increase. This would cause the comet to slow down, decreasing its angular momentum and increasing the earth's angular momentum.
The second way is if the mass of the earth were to move closer to the earth's center. This could happen by several huge worldwide earthquakes occurring at about the same time caused by the HAARP machine (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program). The Earth's crust would not change, but beneath the crust there are mountains as scientist have noticed, which could topple down further into cavities in the interior of the earth.
We will be at a refuge for less than 3 1/2 years
Thursday, April 28, 2022: "Jesus said: “My people, I have been giving you many messages to prepare for the coming Antichrist in a time of tribulation. Do not be fearful of the evil ones because I am calling My refuge builders to set up refuges where My faithful will come for protection with My angels. My faithful will have an invisible shield put over every refuge by My angels. You will be protected and fed at My refuges throughout the less than 3½ years of the tribulation. Trust in My angel protection when I will call you to My refuges with My inner locution. Your guardian angel will lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge. At My refuges you will have a luminous cross in the sky that you can look on and you will be healed of all of your ailments. After the tribulation is stopped, the evil ones will be cast into hell. Then I will renew the earth and bring you into My Era of Peace and later into heaven.” (JL)
Jesus tells John Leary that a comet will arrive on the exact day of the Warning experience and will return later as the comet of chastisement that ends the reign of the Antichrist and the Antipope.
A comet will arrive on the day of the Warning and return and strike the earth
January 13, 2009: "At St. Theodore’s Adoration I could see the whole solar system of the planets orbiting around the sun. Suddenly, I saw a streaking white comet come down right close to the earth. Jesus said: My people, this sign of a comet coming close to the earth will come about on the very day of the Warning. The Warning will be an out of body life review for everyone on the earth at the same time. This comet will appear very close and brilliant because it will come inside the orbit of the moon with the earth. Many people will be frightened, thinking that it will hit the earth. The comet’s trajectory will be changed so that the next time that it returns, it will strike the earth as My Comet of Chastisement. Comets do not have to be very large to be seen because the gases are boiled off the surface by the sun’s heat. As a result, the comet will appear much larger than it actually is. After the Warning, events will lead up quickly to the declaration of the Antichrist’s reign. You will be working hard to convert souls to the faith before he takes power. Pray for My help so you can withstand this test of your faith in an evil that you have yet to see. My refuges will be your safe havens of protection from the evil ones.” (JL)
This comet will return in approximately three and one half years as My Comet of Chastisement
January 26, 2007: "Jesus said: ...The comet will be so large and so close that debris will be falling from the sky, and the head of the comet will be as bright as another sun. This comet will come so close to the earth, that its trajectory will be changed slightly, and this comet will return in approximately three and one half years as My Comet of Chastisement." (JL)
The reign of the Antichrist and Antipope will also be about 3 1/2 years (1260 days)
Thursday, April 26, 2018: Jesus said: “My people, this vision is very foreboding because you are seeing My angels blowing the trumpets, just as it is written in the Book of Revelation. You will also see the evil ones mocking Me with a similar display of trumpets to announce the coming of the Antichrist. My people, you need to read about the seven trumpets announced in the Book of Revelation, because you are about to witness these events.(Rev 8:6) ‘And the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound the trumpet.’ In the first trumpets, fire came over the earth in various places. Then a great star fell from the heaven called Wormwood. This would cause a darkness over the earth. Then a plague of scorpions would attack all of those evil people without a cross on the forehead. This was followed by the Battle of Armageddon. Later, the trumpets announce the beginning of the tribulation of the Antichrist that will reign for 42 months or 1260 days. Before these things happen, I will bring My Warning to give all sinners one last chance to be converted to the faith. Those people, who convert and repent of their sins, will have a cross placed on their foreheads by My angels. Only those people with a cross on their foreheads, will be allowed into My refuges. (Ezekiel 9:4) ‘Pass through Jerusalem and mark an X on the foreheads of those who moan and groan over all the abominations that are practiced within it.’” (JL)
We begin with Daniel's prophecy 9:27:
Daniel 9:27 "And he shall confirm the covenant with many, in one week: and in the half of the week the victim and the sacrifice shall fail: and there shall be in the temple the abomination of desolation: and the desolation shall continue even to the consummation, and to the end."
When Daniel says, "And he shall confirm the covenant with many, in one week" this is well known by Bible scholars to mean one week of years, which means seven years, which we learn in this Bible reading:
Book of Leviticus 25:8 "Thou shalt also number to thee seven weeks of years, that is to say, seven times seven, which together make forty-nine years."
But we don't know when the seven years of conversion will begin. We do know when the pre-tribulation time began.
Saturday, March 28, 2020 "... The pre-tribulation time will be from now until the Great Tribulation begins when the Antichrist will declare himself. .." (JL)
The following two messages from the Virgin Mary given to Father Gobbi, is saying that the Marian year which began on Pentecost Sunday of 1987 was “the beginning of a period of time”.
August 15, 1988: “My Pope has chosen this solemnity to officially bring to a close that space of time which has been consecrated to me, by a special Marian Year in my honor, begun on the day of Pentecost of last year.“ (SG)
August 31, 1988: “The Marian Year, which was officially concluded in the course of this month, has been willed by me as the beginning of a period of time during which your heavenly Mother will carry out her work, in an ever increasingly powerful way, in the hearts, in the souls and in the lives of her children, in order to bring to realization the triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the world.”(SG)
If we consider the 40 years that the Jews had to be purified in the desert and add 40 to 1987 or 1988, we get the year 2027 or 2028, so one of these may be a significant year.
From the book titled "To the Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons", by Father Gobbi the message on September 18, 1988, may imply that the reign of the Antichrist will end by 2030.
September 18, 1988: “It is a period of ten years. These are ten very important years. These are ten decisive years. I am asking you to spend them with me because you are entering into the final period of the second Advent, which will lead you to the triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the glorious coming of my Son Jesus.”(SG)
When the Virgin Mary said "It is a period of ten years" this very likely pertains to the years from 1990 to 2000 as can be understood by considering this next message.
January 1, 1990: “Beloved children, begin this new year in the immaculate light of my divine maternity. I am your Mother as well, by the Will of my Son Jesus. And as Mother, I want to take you by the hand and accompany you on the threshold of this decade, which you are beginning precisely on this day. It is a very important decade. It is a period of time particularly marked by a strong presence of the Lord among you. During the last decade of your century, the events which I have foretold to you will have reached their completion. Therefore, it is necessary that you allow yourselves to be formed, one and all, by my motherly action.”(SG)
On a side note: When the Mother of God said, “the events which I have foretold to you will have reached their completion.” She did not say all of the events.
Since the Virgin Mary used very similar words back in 1988 “These are ten very important years.” And then in 1990 “It is a very important decade” and nowhere else did she use this phrase in all her messages, then I believe the first period of 10 years began on January 1, 1990, and ended in the year 2000.
After this, the Virgin Mary's message on September 18,1988 continued:
" In this period of ten years, there will come to completion that fullness of time, which was pointed out to you by me, beginning with La Salette all the way to my most recent and present apparitions."(SG)
This very likely pertains to the years from 2000, to 2010, because in 2009 Pope Benedict XVI effectively shut down the Medjugorje shrine by not allowing Masses to be said there. So, this very likely signified the completion of that fullness of time of the Virgin Mary's apparitions.
Then, for a second time the Virgin Mary said:
"In this period of ten years, there will come to its culmination that purification which, for a number of years now, you have been living through, and therefore the sufferings will become greater for all.”(SG)
This would then pertain to the yeas 2010 to 2020. This also works well with John Leary's message:
Saturday, March 28, 2020 "... The pre-tribulation time will be from now until the Great Tribulation begins when the Antichrist will declare himself. .." (JL).
Then the final three times the Virgin Mary said “in this period of ten years” she is referring to the same period of time from 2020 to 2030, because they all pertain to the same time period. Here is what the Virgin Mary said.
“In this period of ten years, there will come to completion the time of the great tribulation, which has been foretold to you in Holy Scripture, before the second coming of Jesus.
In this period of ten years, the mystery of iniquity, prepared for by the ever-increasing spread of apostasy, will become manifest.
In this period of ten years, all the secrets which I have revealed to some of my children will come to pass, and all the events which have been foretold to you by me will take place."(SG)
So, it is possible that the Comet of Chastisement may hit the earth before or in the year 2030.
In addition, The Virgin Mary gave the following messages to Father Gobbi.
August 8, 1980: “My time has come and soon I will leave the desert, in which I find myself, for the decisive phase of this battle of mine.”(SG)
May 1, 1988: “My times have come and now I am about to leave the desert, where I am, to accomplish my greatest prodigies and to obtain my foretold victory.”(SG)
June 29, 1980: “But for half a time yet, I must remain withdrawn in the desert. Here I work the greatest prodigies, in silence and hiddenness.”(SG)
Apocalypse 12:14 “And there were given to the woman two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the desert unto her place, where she is nourished for a time and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.”
So, the question is when did the first time begin? The Virgin Mary's book is about asking priests and laity to consecrate themselves to her Immaculate Heart. So very likely, the first ‘time’ began when the first group of priests publicly consecrated themselves to Mary’s Immaculate Heart.
When you do a search on the internet Wikipedia says: Company of Mary - Wikipedia
"As early as 1700 Montfort had conceived the idea of founding a society of missionaries. Five months after his ordination, in November 1700, Montfort wrote: "I am continually asking in my prayers for a poor and small company of good priests to preach missions and retreats under the standard and protection of the Blessed Virgin".
In 1713 he went to Paris with a view to recruit members for his community. The director of the seminary Du St-Esprit promised to send him such young priests as would feel called to do missionary work. During the intervals between his missions Montfort wrote the Rule of the Company of Mary though no official membership would develop before his death." (Wikipedia)
So, it appears that St. Louis de Montfort first conceived of the thought of the Company of Mary in the year 1700, which was a company of poor and good priests consecrated to Mary’s Immaculate Heart by St. Louis de Montfort’s way, according to these websites.
On June 29, 1980, the Virgin Mary said, “But for half a time yet, I must remain withdrawn in the desert”. Hence, we may know when the half time approximately began and if the first time began in 1700, we can calculate when the half time will end.
From the Apocalypse 12:14, the Virgin Mary is in the desert for a time, times and half a time, meaning three and a half times. Hence, (1980 – 1700) /3 = 93.33 years is equal to a time. So, half a time equals 46.67 years and if we add this to the year 1980, we arrive at the year 2026.67, which is around September of 2026. But it may be any year from 2025 to 2028 we don't know for sure.
Also, the message from the Mother of God to Father Gobbi on March 14th, 1993 state:
"I have wanted you here, because you must communicate to all that, as of now - as of this year, - you have entered into the events which I foretold you, and which are contained in the third part of the secret, which has not yet been revealed to you. This will now be made evident by the very events themselves which are about to take place in the Church and in the world." (SG)
If we add 33 to the year 1993, we arrive at the year 2026. But again, it may be any year from 2025 to 2028 we don't know for sure.
The Mother of God message on August 8, 1980: “My time has come and soon I will leave the desert, in which I find myself, for the decisive phase of this battle of mine.”(SG)
The messages that Father Gobbi received from the Mother of God began on, July 7, 1973. The first time that the Mother of God mentions that the purification began, was on September 15, 1975:
"...And so, now that the moment of the purification is here, you will be called upon to suffer more and more. For you, my sons, this is the hour of the Cross. But you will suffer with Me, with your Mother who begot you under the Cross. " (SG).
There are only two messages from Father Gobbi that mentions a bright cross extending from East to West, which were given on April 1, 1994, and Sept 14, 1995.
We also know that the reign of the Antichrist will be 42 months (3.5 years) from the Bible:
Apocalypse 13:5 “And there was given to him a mouth speaking great things, and blasphemies: and power was given to him to do two and forty months.”
Apocalypse 11:2 "But the court, which is without the temple, cast out, and measure it not: because it is given unto the Gentiles, and the holy city they shall tread under foot two and forty months:"
In addition, we know that Kamala Harris did the work as a President for President Biden so in a way Biden was replaced by Harris.
November 19, 2020: Jesus said: “My people, in the next month or so your country will make a big decision whether to keep your democracy or allow the communists to take everything away from you in a communist state. If Biden wins, he will quickly be replaced by Harris, who will become a communist leader. Keep praying harder that your President can claim victory and save your country from going communist.”
Know that the eclipse will usher in the evil age of darkness
"After Communion, I saw a triangle and then some light came on it from the opening of a cave. At the mouth of the cave I could look up and I saw an eclipse of the sun and felt this was a sign for the end times. This vision lasted for a minute. Jesus said, I have told you before you will see many signs and wonders to announce both the beginning reign of Antichrist and My Second Coming shortly after. Know that the eclipse will usher in the evil age of darkness. At that time, you should be in hiding to avoid the powers of darkness. Many will be persecuted in various ways, even some will face martyrdom. Pray for the strength of My help and your guardian angel to get you through those days. Life will be hard for a while, but your experience in My reign of peace will more than make up for it. Have faith and hope that I will protect your soul." (JL v. 2, p.97, October 14, 1994)
Note: there will be a total eclipse of the sun on August 2, 2027, in Cairo & Luxor Egypt and will also pass over Mecca in Saudi Arabia where the false prophet Muhammad was born. Jesus gave John Leary a message that the Antichrist would be an Egyptian Muslim. So, this eclipse may be a sign for the beginning of the reign of the Antichrist and Antipope or soon after.
Scenario: It is possible that during or soon after the eclipse on August 2, 2027, the Antichrist will come to power, and this ceremony may last into September and October as the Opet festival did in the past.
"Later, I saw a pyramid and the message came: The antichrist will come from Egypt (much like Jesus came out of Egypt). He will bring a false peace during an upheaval in the world. Prepare for the Antichrist — he will win many away from God.." (JL v.l, p.l (September 19, 1993)
Friday, February 18, 2011: Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you the Antichrist to be a Muslim leader. This is not by accident, but it is by design of the evil ones. The Antichrist has advertised his coming in newspapers and speaking of his star images that have announced his coming. He will claim to be a leader for all religions... ” (JL)
Also here are several quotes from Wikipedia:
"The Opet Festival (Ancient Egyptian: heb nefer en Ipet, "beautiful festival of Opet")[1] was an annual ancient Egyptian festival celebrated in Thebes (Luxor), especially in the New Kingdom and later periods, during the second month of the season of Akhet, the flooding of the Nile."
"The festival was celebrated to promote the Fertility of Amun-Re and the Pharaoh, who was believed to be the spiritual offspring of Amun-Re – the son or daughter of Amun-Re. John Coleman Darnell argues that “Opet began on II Akhet 15 under Thutmose III and lasted 11 days (Sethe 1907: 824, line 10); by the beginning of the reign of Ramesses III, the festival stretched over 24 days.”
"The festival included a ritual procession of the barque (a ceremonial boat used to transport statues of gods and deities) of the cult statue of “Amun-Re, supreme god, his wife Mut, and his son Khons.”[3] The procession carried the statue for 2 km from Karnak Temple to “Luxor Temple, destination of the Opet Feast.”[4] At the Luxor Temple, a ritual marriage ceremony took place in the Birth room between the Pharaoh and Amun-Re, spiritually linking them to ensure the Pharaoh’s fertility and reinstate the Pharaoh as the intermediary between the gods and Egypt. During the marriage ceremony, the Pharaoh was ceremonially reborn through a re-crowning ceremony, emphasising the fertile nature of the Pharaoh and legitimising his divine right to rule."
"The ancient festival survives in the present-day feast of Sheikh Yūsuf al-Haggāg, an Islamic holy man whose boat is carried around Luxor in celebration of his life."
"The Opet festival became a mainstream festival in the early New Kingdom (circa. 1539-1075 B.C.) when the 18th dynasty came to power, after “driving out the Hyksos invaders who had occupied the northern part of the Nile Valley for 200 years. Egypt’s new rulers wasted no time in making its capital city Thebes a vast ceremonial stage to celebrate the consolidation of power, and the Opet festival took centre stage”.
"During the reign of Thutmose III (1458-1426 B.C.), the festival lasted for 11 days. By the start of the rule of Ramesses III in 1187 B.C., it had expanded to 24 days; by his death in 1156 B.C., it had stretched to 27."
"The pronunciation of the ancient Egyptian name for the Season of the Inundation is uncertain as the hieroglyphs do not record its vowels. It is conventionally transliterated Akhet.[8][9] The name refers to the annual flooding of the Nile."
" The Season of the Inundation or Flood (Ancient Egyptian: Ꜣḫt)[b] was the first season of the lunar and civil Egyptian calendars. It fell after the intercalary month of Days over the Year (Ḥryw Rnpt)[3] and before the Season of the Emergence (Prt).[4] In the Coptic and Egyptian calendars this season begins at the start of the month of Thout (about 11 September), continues through the months of Paopi and Hathor, before concluding at the end of Koiak (about 8 January)."
Josephus identified the Hyksos as the patriarchal Jews. Hence, after God destroyed Thutmose III's army (see Bible Chronology page) Thutmose III moved the capital city to Thebes and started the Opet festival.
We have this message from Jesus.
"After Communion, I could see a huge comet and its tail crossed the sky. All at once there was darkness. Jesus said, My son, this comet, that you have seen tonight with your own eyes, is the sign of the antichrist's coming. I have told you before to look to the skies for the signs of things to come. I have also told you that I, and not the Antichrist, would produce this sign of his coming. As you see the darkness come after, you will know his reign will be brief, but darkness will have its day much like the men I allowed to crucify Me for your sake. (Hale-Bopp comet)" (JL v. 6, p. 84, March 27, 1997)
The star of Bethlehem announced the first coming of Jesus Christ. If we consider this comet as a similar sign for the Antichrist, then if we add 30 years, we arrive at the year 2027 for the Antichrist reign to begin or 2028 or 2029.
"Later at the payer group, I could see an Egyptian statue of a god and there was a rumbling and shimmering of that statue. Jesus said, My people, I have shown you before that evil power will be raised up again from the evil gods Muslims will begin of long ago in Egypt. These powers have remained dormant for many years, but when the Antichrist assumes power, many demons will be unleashed on the earth. I have told you to prepare for a spiritual battle with an evil that you have yet to experience. Have no fear since I will overpower all of the demons fighting for souls. You will need My help and your sacramentals for your protection." (JL v. 11, p.49, May 14, 1998)
The Book of Daniel also implies that the Warning experience may occur in approximately 2027.
Daniel 9:25 "Know thou therefore, and take notice: that from the going forth of the word, to build up Jerusalem again, unto Christ the prince, there shall be seven weeks, and sixty-two weeks: and the street shall be built again, and the walls in straitness of times."
Then St. Gabriel explains the sixty-two weeks:
Daniel 9:26 "And after sixty-two weeks Christ shall be slain: and the people that shall deny him shall not be his."
When Nehemiah was allowed to return to Jerusalem and after he rebuilt the streets and walls, the time to when Jesus Christ was born was sixty-two weeks of years or 434 years. (See page Bible Chronology)
Hence, the seven weeks that St. Gabriel speaks of is when Jesus returns the second time. Israel became a state in 1948 but took over Jerusalem during the 6-day war in 1967.
From 1968 to 1978 there was the Temple Mount Excavations in Jerusalem by Benjamin Mazar. This may fulfill the second part of Daniels prophecy "there shall be seven weeks... and the street shall be built again and the walls in straitness of times."
So, if we take seven weeks of years, which is 7 x 7 = 49 and add this to 1978 we arrive at the year 2027 for the approximate years of the Warning experience.
The Book of Daniel speaks about the beasts who will come, and they will be allowed a brief reign of less than 3½ years.
Saturday, December 2, 2017, Jesus said: “My people, today you are celebrating the last day of the Church Year, and you are being reminded of how I will one day come on the clouds to judge all of humanity. The Book of Daniel speaks about the beasts who will come, and they will be allowed a brief reign of less than 3½ years. In the Book of Revelation it speaks of the coming Antichrist and the False Prophet who will reign over the world during the tribulation. Everyone will live through the suffering of the tribulation, and some of My faithful will suffer martyrdom for My Name’s sake. I will not leave My faithful as orphans, because many of My faithful are being called to set up refuges for this end time tribulation. I will separate My sheep from the goats, as all of My faithful will be led to My refuges, and they will enter with a cross on their foreheads. Once the evil ones are separated from My faithful, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement upon the evil ones as a victory over the Antichrist and the evil ones. The evil ones will be cast into hell. Then I will raise My faithful up into the air, and I will renew the face of the earth. I will then bring My faithful down into a new earth of My Era of Peace. There you will live a long time, and be prepared as saints to enter heaven at your death. Rejoice in My victory, as My faithful will share their reward with Me in heaven for all eternity.” (JL)
Daniel chapter 7 mentions four beasts. We know the last beast is the Antichrist and the other three live during this same time as explained next.
Daniel 7:1 "In the first year of Baltasar king of Babylon, Daniel saw a dream: and the vision of his head was upon his bed: and writing the dream, he comprehended it in few words: and relating the sum of it in short, he said: [2] I saw in my vision by night and behold the four winds of the heaven strove upon the great sea. [3] And four great beasts, different one from another, came up out of the sea. [4] The first was like a lioness and had the wings of an eagle: I beheld till her wings were plucked off, and she was lifted up from the earth, and stood upon her feet as a man, and the heart of a man was given to her."
The first beast is a lioness with wings. There are only two kingdoms that had this symbol, the Egyptians and the Persians, both of which are now Muslims. Hence, this beast represents Islamism.
An artifact of a winged lioness was found in western Iran dating back to 6th-century BC during the Achaemenid Empire.
Just before the Warning, the Muslims will begin burning churches and persecuting Christians. Then after the Warning and after we are safe at refuges, their wings will be plucked off, that is to say, their swiftness and there will appear a man, the Antichrist, who will be an Egyptian Muslim. and will represent all Muslims. This is the same man as the little horn in Daniel 7:8
Daniel 7:8 "I considered the horns, and behold another little horn sprung out of the midst of them: and three of the first horns were plucked up at the presence thereof: and behold eyes like the eyes of a man were in this horn, and a mouth speaking great things."
Friday, February 18, 2011: Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you the Antichrist to be a Muslim leader. This is not by accident, but it is by design of the evil ones. The Antichrist has advertised his coming in newspapers and speaking of his star images that have announced his coming. He will claim to be a leader for all religions. The history of some Muslim sects have predicted his coming in a time of strife, and some sects are actually encouraging his coming by starting uprisings in many Arab countries. The Book of Revelation speaks of a beast called the Antichrist who will reign for less than three and one-half years." (JL)
The antichrist will come from Egypt (much like Jesus came out of Egypt) and will be a Muslim leader. He will bring a false peace during an upheaval in the world. Evil power will be raised up again from the evil gods of long ago in Egypt. These powers have remained dormant for many years, but when the Antichrist assumes power, many demons will be unleashed on the earth.
Daniel 7:5 "And behold another beast like a bear stood up on one side: and there were three rows in the mouth thereof, and in the teeth thereof, and thus they said to it: Arise, devour much flesh."
The second beast is a bear, which represents Russia and specifically Communism.
Russia's symbol is the Bear
Daniel 7:6 " After this I beheld, and lo, another like a leopard, and it had upon it four wings as of a fowl, and the beast had four heads, and power was given to it."
The third beast is a leopard, which represents Freemasonry
This is explained by the Virgin Mary on June 3, 1989 in the book "To The Priests Our Lady's Beloved Sons" by Father Don Stegano Gobbi (See the second Apocalypse page)
Daniel lived during the Persian empire, and this is why the beast like a leopard has only four heads, which represent the Egyptian, Assyrian, Chaldean, and Persian empires. It has “four wings as a fowl” indicating that Freemasonry will spread quickly throughout the world. Later in the Apocalypse, St. John describes this same beast like a leopard having seven heads because during St. John's time the fifth head represented the Greek empire, the sixth head the Roman Empire and the Seventh head is the One World Order.
Apocalypse 13:1 "And I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten diadems, and upon his heads names of blasphemy. [2] And the beast, which I saw, was like to a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave him his own strength, and great power."
The fourth beast represents the One World Order
Daniel 7:7 "After this I beheld in the vision of the night, and lo, a fourth beast, terrible and wonderful, and exceeding strong, it had great iron teeth, eating and breaking in pieces, and treading down the rest with its feet: and it was unlike to the other beasts which I had seen before it, and had ten horns. [8] I considered the horns, and behold another little horn sprung out of the midst of them: and three of the first horns were plucked up at the presence thereof: and behold eyes like the eyes of a man were in this horn, and a mouth speaking great things. "
The little horn is the Antichrist.
The ten horns are ten regions ruled by ten kings which will be established by the Antichrist after he comes to power. The ten kings will take all the riches away from America causing her to become desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and shall burn her with fire. (JL January 27, 1999)
All of these beasts live during the same period of time and build on each other and help each other.
Daniel 7:11 "I beheld because of the voice of the great words which that horn spoke: and I saw that the beast was slain, and the body thereof was destroyed, and given to the fire to be burnt: [12] And that the power of the other beasts was taken away: and that times of life were appointed them for a time, and a time. "
A time is one year explained previously. So, the other three beasts reign for only two years.
We can also explain the dream of king Nabuchodonosor of the statue
Daniel 2:31 "Thou, O king, sawest, and behold there was as it were a great statue: this statue, which was great and high, tall of stature, stood before thee, and the look thereof was terrible. [32] The head of this statue was of fine gold, but the breast and the arms of silver, and the belly and the thighs of brass: [33] And the legs of iron, the feet part of iron and part of clay. [34] Thus thou sawest, till a stone was cut out of a mountain without hands: and it struck the statue upon the feet thereof that were of iron and of clay, and broke them in pieces. [35] Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of a summer's threshingfloor, and they were carried away by the wind: and there was no place found for them: but the stone that struck the statue, became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth."
The Babylonian empire is represented by the head of fine gold, the Persian empire is represented by the breast and arms of silver, the Greek empire is represented by the belly and thighs of brass, the Roman empire is represented by the legs of iron, and the One World Order is represented by the feet of iron and clay, which include all of the countries such as the United States, England and France, which will never be totally united.
The stone that was cut out of a mountain are the ten Commandments written by God. God will destroy all His enemies, and His kingdom will have no end.
So, the Warning experience will probably occur in September or October in any year but probably not later than 2028.