Monday, July 11th, 1988
Monday of the Fifteenth Week in Ordinary Time
Feast of Saint Benedict
The Lord your God sayeth unto ye: I, the creator of all life great and small, looked upon ye in your lowliness. I Spied you in your nakedness. There in your blood I, the Lord your God, found thee. I raised you from your lowliness and lifted you up. The Lord your God hast taken ye into His Divine Care and nurtured your every need.
You were fed of the finest wheat, flour and oils. Milk and honey was your food. The poor He has given every good thing, the rich He has sent away. I adorned you in silk and satin. And there I placed upon you bracelets of gold and necklaces to adorn your neck. A ring in your nose I gave to thee. And a diadem for your head.
Yea, thou were beautiful to behold and all others looked upon thee with love and admiration.
Oh, though in all your blessings, thou hast forgotten the Lord your God!
Behold, thou hast looked upon your very self with love and begun to seek your comforts and love elsewhere...not remembering from whence thou hast cometh. Your oils, wheat and flour you have given to your lovers that thou hast lusted after...making thrones of your silk and satin for others, not reflecting on which they come. Thou hast become the harlot. Your lusts burn forth with no control and with no regrets of your sins.
I sayeth unto ye, repent of thy offenses against the Lord your God, for thy punishments shall be just. The Lord your God takes no pleasure in punishments upon the wicked, but thy God takes passion upon those who are sorrowful for their sins.
And unto thee, My shepherds: Thou hast fed off My chosen. Thou has mislead them and scattered them about to foreign lands. Leaving them to hunger and be abandoned to their foes. I sayeth unto ye, behold, the Lord God shall go forth and gather His lost sheep. He shall feed the hungry and bind up the crippled and nurse the sick back to health. But the fattened lambs and goats I, the Lord your God, shall drive away.
I do these things for My Name's Sake. For the Lord your God is Just and there be no faults within Him. I sayeth unto ye, thou knowest not the day nor hour. The only Son of God, Jesus, knowest not the hour. Repent and make ready your souls, your very hearts.
Woe unto ye, those who offend the Lord God. Coveting another man's wife! "Coveting of thy flesh."
I shall send forth the pestilences of My Jealous Wrath. It shall burn till it shall be appeased. There shall be drought. There shall be famine. There shall be war.
Prepare thyselves for the chastisements. Thou hast come unto this lowly church for a sign. Behold! It is here! Do you have eyes that do not see? Ears that do not hear? The Lord your God will give unto thee a caring heart. There will be once more from My beloved the newness which was to be of the beginning.
Thou shall not have false gods before Me; for I alone Am the Lord your God, creator of heaven and earth; of all that is seen and unseen.
Thou shall not take the Lord your God's name in vain; for it is holy.
Thou shall keep holy the Lord's Day; for unto this day is the day of prayer and penitence and nursing of the sick and downtrodden.
Thou shall honor thy mother and thy father; which hast been set over ye.
Thou shall not lie. Thou shall not kill. Thou shall not steal. Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor husband; nor defile the body; for it is a temple of the Lord God.
Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's goods for which the Lord your God endowed and hast blessed upon each one rightfully.
The greatest of these is that of love thy neighbor as thyself. As it was with My beloved Son, Jesus: He gave His Life for thee that thou may have eternal life.
For it was said long ago and still stands firm to this day...those who are first shall be last and the last shall be first. But I, the Lord your God; in your lowliness I shall lift ye up again. I shall put between My people a covenant which shall be sweet to My Nostrils. I shall anoint ye and make thee Mine again. And I will be your God and ye My people.
In your goodness given, your shame shall be upon thee and thou shall behold the mercy of the Lord your God. Sing unto the Lord your God all you peoples of every race and tongue! Praise Him for He is good and His Mercy endureth unto all generations!
Jesus: My beloved, peace I leave you; My peace I give you. Blessed are they who seeketh; for they shall find. Blessed are the lowly; for they shall be lifted up. Blessed are the poor; for they shall inherit the goodness of peace. Blessed are the sorrowful; for they shall be consoled. Blessed are the single-hearted; for they shall see God. Blessed are ye who are persecuted for My Name's Sake; for thou shall be in glory with the reign of your Savior, Jesus Christ.
Bring forth your blind; your deaf, mute, crippled; your sick and lame; your downtrodden. Rejoice, for miracles will be at hand unto all ye who gather forth in the Glory of Jesus Christ and to the Heavenly Father.
Mother of God; pray for us. Mother of Christ; pray for us. Queen of Mercy; pray for us. Refuge of sinners; pray for us. Help of the sick; pray for us. Morningstar; pray for us. Mystical rose; pray for us. Queen of the most Holy Rosary; pray for us. Queen of Peace; pray for us.
Theresa Fleischman, messenger
Tuesday, July 12th, 1988
Say 7:00 A.M. prayer. I spend most of this day in anticipation of the meeting with the Blessed Virgin on the 13th of July. I did house cleaning this day and said the Rosary in preparation for the 13th. Late this evening, our family went on a mission in the distribution of over one thousand Medjugorje papers to East of Lubbock and the countryside. (Also mailed out many personal invitations for the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin for the approaching August 15th.
We dropped by our son's Godparents' home (Sokoras) for a short visit. They were very cool toward us. It made us feel so uncomfortable. I felt very bad over this; yet I guess we can understand it too. People we have known so long in our lives are drawing away from us, and I really don't know why. I think they must think we are going NUTS. They don't know how to react around us. Some of our own family members have expressed fear toward us as well as a coolness too. We are only people. We are still sinners and make mistakes like anyone else. We are also trying to do what the Lord is asking of us. "Please be with us dear God in all our efforts and above all, please guide us in Your Divine Son's Most Holy Light of Love."
We got home late after hitting areas where a lot of the public goes, and then we went home. Got to bed very exhausted, but felt good inside. We also said our prayers.
P.S. Couldn't sleep much for being so excited about the approaching day.
Wednesday, July 13th, 1988
Before 5:00 A.M.
THIS IS THE MORNING!! I was up quickly and began rushing about. After I got dressed and got my hair fixed, I was on my way out. I kissed my family goodbye. I had a nervous feeling in my stomach and I was very excited and yet a little scared too. I got Mark's Rosary out of my purse and started saying it while driving to the church. When I got there, it was shortly after Mike Slate's arrival. We met in the Chapel.
Please Note: Mike Slate was kneeling before the Tabernacle in deep prayers and crying.
I did not question it, but said a personal prayer for him and all of us in this most precious event that was soon to take place. It seemed like forever! I kept finding myself becoming more eager and wondering where everyone was. THEY WERE NOT PROMPT! Finally, Mary Constancio arrived and then after this, Msgr. Joe James and Ms. Wynn.
I felt already things were becoming uneasy.(I said in my mind they are late!) We began prayer in harmony dedicating the early morn to God and then the Angelic Prayer. It was during this time I personally heard a VOICE say "Come to the Fountain," for it was time. I questioned this VOICE and waited to make sure. Again it came with a more commanding tone.
I knew we then needed to go; yet I hesitated because of Msgr. James being in a prayer that seemed to never end. There, out at the fountain our eyes would have seen Mary, the Mother of God! I wanted to see Her so much. Because of this respect and "courtesy thing" drilled into me since I was so very young, I didn't want to interrupt Msgr. Joe James' prayers. How stupid of me!
I kept looking at Mike and he at me. We knew we should have gotten up and gone out, but we didn't. Why? Because we were scared of Msgr. James becoming angry ? Oh, how foolish of me. Why didn't I get up and flee out of the Chapel to see the Mother of God! She was calling and we didn't come. We were commanded to come and we failed to heed the words!
I did not place God above Msgr. Joe James. I was very wrong and disobedient in this. I later found out that Mike Slate received the same message and he also failed in obedience. Mary Constancio (failed because she was late along with Msgr. James and Ms. Wynn) and failed in her obedience by not praying the prayers as was asked of all of us in preparation of the 13th of July. All in all we were all disobedient to the wishes and commands of God.
After our long prayers, we recited a fifteen decade Rosary around the Fountain. It was at this time Msgr. James felt he was told in his heart by Mary, the Blessed Virgin that we were not to feel down hearted because we blessed the Fountain and the surrounding area with our prayers. After this, we all walked the Church grounds using Holy Water. The procession was in this order: Msgr. Joe James (Leader), Ms. Wynn (Pastoral Assistant), Mary Constancio, Mike Slate, and then, Theresa. We are all praying and following in this procession. This is taking place when it is still dark and right before sunrise.
There was a great feeling of love that overcame us; yet there too was a sense of sadness in not seeing the Blessed Virgin Mary as we had all hoped for. It was after this (A beautiful morn just the same), that our Group met together in the hospitality room in the Church.
It is here I shall introduce to you, Ann Hernandez. Ann has been a parish member of Saint John Neumann for many years. Ann is a mother, housewife, and a devout woman of God with a devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Ann Hernandez also became a member of our prayer group this day July 13th, 1988, for the Blessed Virgin told her to come and expressed Her personal pleasure in Ann.
It was in this group gathering that we all learned a vital lesson; OBEDIENCE. A must it is; for the Lord God desires it from each of us, but He expressed it especially to me. (Theresa) I personally blamed myself at first but I felt we all failed in the lesson of obedience that day. We were all responsible. This was truly a heartbreaking day for all of us.
Please Note: It is here I will insert this message because this happened July 13th, 1988 around 7:30-8:00 A.M. on the grounds of Saint John Neumann Church.
Ann Hernandez was brought in to frighten me and to make me believe that she would take my place as a messenger. (This was a test from the Lord although at the time I did not know this) I, (Theresa) realized God was angered because I continued to question and doubt often. (I was my worse critic) God was growing weary with me and tired of my questioning Him and doubting. Ann had come to the hospitality room where we were all at a table seated.
Mike Slate at my right hand (I hold his hand), Mary Constancio at my left, then Ms. Wynn, Msgr. Joe James, and then Ann Hernandez came in between Msgr. Joe James and Mike Slate. Ann said that the Lord urged her to come. Her sincerity was beautiful. She was crying and came in obedience. She often prayed for her mother and her children.
The Message then came from God the Father of our disobedience and failing to believe and obey Him. He spoke of why do we continue to be like those of long ago who questioned and doubted. (Example - MOSES) God told me to call out like the Lion the way that I had been doing. It was given to me for such as this purpose to "WARN GOD'S PEOPLE."
God then tested me and said He wanted me to leave the group. I was shocked. I remember then Mary Constancio did not go on especially but Mike Slate begged God to change His Mind. Mike said, "NO, dear Lord, please, NO." All there started praying in tongues and begging God to forgive me. They then began to admit their own disobedience. They too were at fault. The anger felt from God was very intense. I could feel the Holy Breath of God on the back of my neck and we all sensed God’s Anger greatly. I remember Ann Hernandez crying and also praying to forgive. From the intensity of God's Anger, Ann Hernandez fainted onto the floor!
Please Note: I felt in my Spirit that Ann had been sent to make me realize once and for all that God was using me to speak to all the people in this world. His Wrath struck out at me, was felt by Ann's "Sensitivity" in Spirit.
It frightened us more and I prayed, "Please God don't be angry." "Don't' strike at Ann. She did nothing against thee." "Please forgive me." I told God I would try to do better, but not to let His Wrath fall upon those around me because of my foolishness. We prayed and prayed. God did give His Consent to allow me to stay as His "Prophet Messenger", but with strong warning not to doubt any longer or disobey. OBEY and LISTEN.
God spoke then of the Church grounds. They were HOLY. God spoke of a "TREE" which would die, but it was not to be pulled up. This "TREE" was to be decorated on special occasions and that it was very HOLY and BLESSED. "If any man do harm upon this 'TREE' great punishment would come upon them." It would be a sign to the whole world that God visited man!
THE MESSAGE: "Though the 'TREE' look dead, it is not, it is alive down deep in its roots." Later we found out through Msgr. Joe James’ discernment and prayers it was the Saint John Neumann Church and its grounds God was referring to!
Our punishment was to fast and do penance the rest of the day. We all did. Ann Hernandez awoke (She was OK) but shaken. It was from this day on that Ann Hernandez joined us in our Group Meetings.
This day I spent in a state of disbelief. I felt so empty and disappointed in myself. I spent most of this day in deep thoughts and reflections. Of all the Divine Words of Wisdom said, I spent the day praying and asking for forgiveness. I also was irritable and cranky and found myself sleeping a great deal. I went out to the farm this evening. I was very tired and drained. I fasted this whole day and tried to pray more, but fell asleep with Joseph.