King Edmund a Christian King lived in Norfolk England and was kind and considerate to all. One day a pagan prisoner, Prince Ragnar of Denmark was found on a boat in English territory. Ragnar had been fishing when a storm blew him straight into English waters. He was discovered by some English Fishermen and brought to King Edmund for questioning since the two countries were enemies. After explaining to the King his predicament, the King had mercy and invited Ragnar to dine with him and stay as long as he liked.
Prince Ragnar stayed several months in England and was treated well by King Edmund, but not all Englishmen liked Ragnar. One day King Edmund and his entire Court went on a hunting trip. An envious Courtier of King Edmund took this opportunity to shoot and kill Prince Ragnar. Knowing that King Edmund would be angry, he hid the body in some bushes and went to join the others in the hunt. Eventually the wicked act of the Courtier was discovered. His punishment was to be bound and towed out to sea to die alone in Prince Ragnar’s fishing boat.
The Courtier was later spotted by Prince Ragnar’s father who questioned the Courtier for the whereabouts of his son and why he was in his son’s boat. The Courtier lied and said that King Edmund had killed Prince Ragnar. In anger Ragnar’s father killed the Courtier and then assembled his army to make war with King Edmund.
The two kings met at Thetford and after a terrible battle the Danes won and took King Edmund prisoner. They scourged King Edmund, shot arrows into him, and then beheaded him. After hiding his head, the Danes sailed back to their country.
King Edmund’s body was later discovered but not his head. The people of Norfolk wailed and lamented the loss of their King. Through prayer and fasting God heard them and sent to them an answer. Shepherds saw a Great Wolf standing guard over King Edmund’s head.
With gratitude and relief the people of Norfolk buried their King’s head with his body and then built a great church and Benedictine Abbey at his burial spot. The town was then called Bury St. Edmunds and is still there to this day. Saint Edmund’s feast day is November 20th.
Personal Statement: We need to pray for our political leaders and the Majesterium that they be honest men and women, have the fear of God so that they will be wise and compassionate to their fellow man. (Saint King Edmund pray for us!)