1:30 P.M. rolled around after preparation for our Group meeting at Ms. Wynn's.
Members are: Msgr. Joe James, Ms. Wynn, Mary Constancio, Mike Slate, Ann Hernandez, and Theresa.
We begin our prayers and praise around the kitchen table. The Angel appeared again as soon as our meeting began. Msgr. Joe James then asked the Angel's name. The response came as "Maeocobees." (There is communication, but the mouth does not move) From the group was a sense of rejection, because this Angel was "different", not really beautiful. I felt compassion for this Angel personally. I remember asking, "Why do you look like this?" All at once it was like a judge and jury slaughter. Judging on "Appearance" instead of the "Heart", or what is within. (Many of the group members rejected Maeocobees.) Isn't that just the way we are? It is human nature to judge someone or something by the color or size; if we are rich or poor, smart or not so smart. Isn't' that just the way we are?
Well, that is what happened to Maeocobees. Maeocobees approached toward me, but I remember Ann Hernandez holding her arms up against him calling on the Blessed Mother Mary. (But Maeocobees served the Mother of God and loved Her, too!) I remember everyone praying in tongues and deciding this Angel just couldn't be of God. "He's too ugly." "He's not the way we think he should be." Yet, with all their prayers and telling Maeocobees to leave, his eyes looked deep into mine.
It seemed his voice asked me even though there was no movement of mouth, that he wished to use my "Voice" to show God's deepest feelings. The response from the group was "NO". I remember telling Msgr. James that I was willing to go with Maeocobees to learn from him and to help God.
It was at that moment that I could feel in my inner spirit God's plea of sorrow and great unhappiness. Like that of a cooing dove; like that of a lone wolf, calling out in its vastness. That is what Maeocobees showed me in that instant. I knew then these calls would be used to touch man's most inner emotions. Have you heard early in the morning the cooing of a lonely dove? Have you ever heard a howling wolf? Their calls are definitely lonely and sad, far reaching and deeply penetrating. Despite the rest of the Group's rejection, Maeocobees, the Angel of God, showed respect to Msgr. Joe James, knowing that he consecrated bread and wine into the Precious Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. He did depart from us when Msgr. Joe James requested him to do so.
As for the "Painting" of my face, Msgr. Joe James said, "It's too theatrical." "The singing group KISS does that..." I was told not to do this at the Monday night Rosary of August 1st, 1988. I obeyed Msgr. Joe James' wishes. I did feel in my spirit that the Monday Message from myself, would be very nature based. Msgr. Joe James consented to this. The message was given to me that I have received the "sounds" in my voice and that I would use them that coming Monday.
Maeocobees did ride out to the farm with Joseph and me. There were no words spoken, but a peaceful presence. Mark stayed in Lubbock to work.
Thursday, July 28th, 1988
I neglected to pray faithfully. I found myself not being able to wake up, and most of the day was spent relaxing and spending time with Joseph. Joseph rode the tractor with his Pa Pete today. Joseph loves going out in the fields with his grandfather.
Maeocobees seems to appear off and on throughout the day. His presence reminds me of the message I received only a day ago. I remember the sorrow of God that he spoke of and I would then retire to my bedroom for prayer and reflection. Joseph and I did a Medjugorje Rosary tonight.
Friday, July 29th, 1988
I spent the day getting ready to return home. I am allowing Joseph to enjoy the country fresh air and sunshine before we go. Maeocobees seems content to stand guard silently in my room. He's watching my every move and seeming to approve of my reading some literature of Jesus and Mary. I personally sensed the Heavenly Father was speaking to me in this literature referring to the Ten Commandments being ignored. Joseph and I left for Lubbock after 3:00 P.M. with our companion Maeocobees who rode silently in the car with us.
Please Note: None of my family members could see Maeocobees because the veil was not lifted from their eyes to see. I do believe they could sense his presence, though.
Off we go and begin to say the Rosary. We say two decades. Our ride is peaceful and enjoyable. We prayed the Family Rosary this night, with Maeocobees on his right knee and his massive head bowed in respect. After the Rosary, we all tell each other "good-night." Maeocobees does not seem to sleep, he stands guard in the dark shadows of the night. "Goodnight, Maeocobees."
Saturday, July 30th, 1988
Did 7:00 A.M. prayers. I do not see Maeocobees. Had money orders made to tend to some literature sent this way on Mary, the Blessed Virgin."Flame of Love Extracts." I am wanting to get some more in before the "Assumption," for distribution.
Did some Medjugorje work today north of Lubbock. Our family has personally distributed about eight thousand copies of Medjugorje papers. (Possibly more) We personally, as a family, wanted to help in distributing Mary's literature, in making this community and surrounding areas aware of the great need of prayer and conversion.
Did not go to the 4:00 P.M. confession today. We did say Family Rosary this night. I have been receiving deep feelings of what the Heavenly Father is wanting to express Monday, August 1st, 1988. I sense the great Love God wants His people to know of; to make them understand how much He does care and how very merciful and ready to forgive, if only we ask to return to Him! I sense a personal STRONG message. I'm not sure how it will come out, but I think it may be one of the most moving and loving messages of "PLEA" as ever before given from His guidance to me, to His people, that He so deeply loves and longs for them.
Sunday, July 31st, 1988
Morning prayers at 7:00 A.M. Again Maeocobees is present. By this time he seems to be moving about more than usual. (Almost restless) Readying ourselves for Mass, which is at 9:00 A.M.
Some moving testimonies (miracles) were shared this morning with Mike Slate. He told about a man and the Fountain and many other signs which are so obviously a "Divine" guidance from above. It was very beautiful.
Many signs indeed and yet there will be more! Have intentions to go to the prayer meeting this evening.
Please continue reading on the next page, "Howling Wolf, August 1, 1988"