After our prayers of devotion and songs sung, we exited quickly, genuflecting to the Tabernacle and giving thanks. Mark and I personally saw an aura of lights at the Tabernacle and the wooden statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The lights were blue and white.
Friday, May 27th, 1988
Rosary said in reflection of Our Lord Jesus' Most Sacred Heart.
Saturday, May 28th, 1988
Visited Mr. Rockymore today. He continues to recover miraculously! "Praise Jesus". Family Rosary said.
Please Note: Saturday night late, May 28th, 1988, a personal message was given to me from God when I asked if He truly was using me. This is when I was directed to go to my Bible and I would be given an answer. The Bible seemed to just open to this reading:
Ezekiel 34:30 The Prophet's False Popularity
"As for you, son of man, your countrymen are talking about you along the walls in the doorways of houses. They say to one another, 'Come and hear the latest word that comes from the Lord.' My people come to you as people always do; they sit down before you and hear your words, but they will not obey them, for lies are on their lips and their desires are fixed on dishonest gain. For them you are only a ballad singer, with a pleasant voice and a clever touch. They listen to your words, but they will not obey them. But when it comes, and it is surely coming, they shall know that there was a prophet among them."
Sunday, May 29th, 1988
We go to church today. (As a family) Mark seldom makes a Sunday, but he did today! I have become deeply disturbed and skeptical of myself; deeply concerned if God was truly speaking through me. I continued to doubt and question it. I worried over it continuously and constantly found myself asking God for help or a sign. I looked in the Bible hoping God would speak to me. I found one reading where God said, He was troubled by my words. Oh, I became so afraid and I had to do something. I didn't want God angry with me or upset. I tried to get hold of several people to help me through this, but there was no help.
I finally went to a Prayer Meeting. (Trinity Sunday, May 29th, 1988) I told the people why I and my family were there. I was losing faith and questioning God. I needed prayer and help. Msgr. James was playing his guitar. After songs and prayers, we all gathered. Prayers and anointing were given over me. Messages were given to me from people I did not know! (There were many people there) A sign I had asked for was given by a lady named C.L.)
Please Note: Some names are withheld to protect their privacy.
"Theresa Fleischman (former Werner) then stood up to read her message. I watched her as I listened to her sharing her words. This time I didn't see what I'd seen during the reading of Mary Constancio's message. As I was trying to put all this together in my mind, a large circle of Light appeared from behind Theresa's left shoulder and settled there. This circle of light was not quivering as the other light had, but had the outline of a BIRD in the center. Shortly thereafter, the Bird encircled in light quickly rose, as an Eagle. It was at that moment that Theresa read the word "EAGLE" from her message for the week. This word confirmed in myself that my experience that evening was truly a gift given to me to share with you."
I needed a sign and God saw that I got it through C.L.'s personal testimonial at the prayer meeting. After prayers and anointings, I was stronger and at peace with myself and ready to go back to work for God if He would allow me to. Thank You, God Almighty. A Family Rosary was said.
Monday, May 30th, 1988
Memorial Day
I am fasting this day. I continue to do this each Monday. I reflect upon those whose lives were lost in all wars and I give personal thanks for the freedom that we have. I am eager to do messages and to hear what God has to say but, I am afraid. God may choose not to use me anymore as a tool. If so, it is His Divine Will. So be it.
Monday, May 30th, 1988: Monday after Trinity Sunday
(During the Joyful Mystery, the Nativity) Woe unto the lands which hath forgotten from whence their blessings come forth!
Woe unto those who are full and sleek, for unto them comes a time of emptiness and without drink to make their hearts merry.
Woe unto those whose hearts laugh and make light their days of gaiety, for their days soon will turn to darkness and sorrow, full of lamentations. They laugh and tease of there being no God. Oh, but come forth the days of wrath unto thee!
For lo, seeth the winds do stir and violently they shall toss to and fro by the commands of my mighty hands. I say unto thee, old and young alike, no one knows of the day nor hour. For it is in my Divine Will that thou shall taste the bitterness of my chastisements.
But, upon my beloved faithful, I sayeth unto thee, exalt and bring forth your prayers for they shall be heard. It is I, the Lord God of heaven and of earth, that shall find thy consolations. For it is of my beloved son, Jesus, whose sufferings are the refreshments of my that of a cooling stream which shelters forth from the heat which beats down upon thy heads.
Yea, thou, I sayeth unto thee, though there are many who have forsaken me, those of the beloved few who remain true unto me shall find shelter in my mighty shadow. For my right arm shall striketh at the sinful who have not turned from their sins. Theirs are the afflictions upon my heart. Theirs are the coals cast upon my anger.
Yea, like a roaring fire I shall striketh and my anger shall not be appeased. Only through the fervent prayers of the faithful, through the precious blood of Jesus, shall there be consolations found.
(During the Sorrowful Mysteries) (During "The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.") The days are at hand. Be not asleep as those long ago. Be alert and waiteth upon thy Lord God. Keep the lamps lit for the darkness approaches. Though the cries may be many, I heareth not. My wrath shall strike!
I say unto thee again, my faithful, my beloved, it is in your prayers and your sacrifices that thou shall see the light again.
(During the Sorrowful Mystery, the Flogging) It is in my Being that I shall turneth daughter against mother, mother against daughter-in-law, son against father. For if anyone be worthy of me I say unto thee, take up thy cross and follow me. Many your trials shall be, for it is in my sufferings and my dying that thou findeth life.
Yea, though, I say unto thee again, look unto the east for there thou shalt beat thy hearts and gnaw thy teeth, for there thy many hearts shall be laid bare. So it is. So it shall be.
Theresa Fleischman, messenger
P.S. After we came home, it is in the wee hours (3:00-4:00 A.M.) of morning. I awake from my sleep to see a red circling glow light in our bedroom. It is about the height of Joseph, our young son. I praise the Lord for it, salute Mary and go back to sleep. (Hail, Holy Queen of Mercy) I do not personally know if it was Jesus or Mary, the Blessed Virgin.
Tuesday, May 31st, 1988
I get up early because the SPIRIT told me to. We have a new addition to the family this day. I hurried off with Joseph after breakfast to the hospital. I locate Sister A.B. and ask her to help me find my new nephew and my niece. (I didn't know at this time it would be a nephew until Sister A.B. called for the information). We both went to see the new arrival which was two hours old. (Born about 6:00 A.M.) After visiting a short time with little J.W. G., I prayed a blessing over him and blessed him with Holy Water. Joseph and I left then. It was really raining this day. It was a happy day. Mom came down later this day to see her new great grandson and first. It was a beautiful day. Said the Rosary this night (Family) and thanked God for His many blessings. Especially for my own baby who I still remember when he first came into this world. A day I will never forget and always treasure.
Please continue reading on the next page, "Howling Wolf, June 1988"